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Best of Cambridge 2018/19/20/21

After being in Harvard Square for more than 20 years I am grateful and honored to serve my clients with true devotion and honesty. The years have brought me a wealth of experience that I know could not have been gained without such a diverse community. I have become a better human being for the love, trust and respect all of you have given me. My journey has led me to this place, The Old Baptist Church. I feel Wiser and at Peace every day experiencing the love and connections I make with myself and the people around me. We must recognize that life is a transformative experience from within. Without a strong, healthy and trusted body, uncertainty of self will reduce us to whining, complaining ill beings, shadows of ourselves not knowing how to connect with ourselves. I grew up poor and sickly and now I fly.
Virus's will get more virulent; The Planet will get worse if we as humans don't get Connected and Healthy in body and spirit. Time to WAKE UP.
24 Hour Cancellation Policy Always
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